Tag Archives: innovation

A race towards no end…

A race towards no end…

The question that sometimes strikes my mind is, have we ever taken a pause to think where science is leading us, or to talk realistically, where we are leading science? Every day we are putting all our resources and effort into satisfying our wants by new innovations and advancing technology, only to end up in a situation more problematic and complex than the previous. And then in solving those ramifications, we create more and more problems, thus making our very own survival on this planet harder than ever. Precisely, we are digging our own grave in order to bury our wants, but in doing so, we have dug so deep into the ground that now it has become almost impossible for us to climb out of it. Literally, we are stuck!

It is a fact that there is no limit to human wants. We have had enough for the satisfaction of our needs, alas, we sought fulfilling our wants instead. It is this failed attempt at fulfillment of the unlimited, unsatisfying desires that lead us to the world we live in now and we are still fighting this battle without realizing the fact.

Wants/desires are something that differs with person in quantity as well as type, but needs remain almost alike in all humans. As students of economics, we have been taught that resources are scarce and wants unlimited. But why worry about wants in the first place? Why don’t we just utilize the resources for the fulfillment of human needs; the things of which a huge portion of the world population is deprived. Why don’t the governments feed the hungry first, instead of feeding their hunger for more, and then blaming it on nature for the limited resources. The problem is not the resources, in fact it is the greed to satisfy our unending wants/desires with those limited resources.

Recently, I got something to learn from a friend which I want to share, as I think it might relate to the discourse here. My friend is of the opinion that a person can have a content and meaningful life if he/she is successful in bringing balance in between the basic ingredients that come together and that can be called ‘inbuilt needs’ of all humans. Those ingredients form a circle, if put in a diagram; the ‘circle of bliss’ (just to give a name), which only revolves around the human needs, not wants, like the Maslow’s pyramid. So those ingredients that complete this ‘wheel of contented life’ are: mental needs, physical needs, emotional needs, spiritual needs, family, social needs and finances.

The circle starts with mental needs. Because a person having everything, but mental ability to observe, understand and judge will naturally live a discontent life. So it’s necessary that all the mental faculties function properly, so he/she can live a normal life.

Then comes the emotional needs of a person, which include his or her love or marital life, and all other things that have to do with one’s emotions.

A person with a properly working brain is someone who believes in the existence of God. No matter what, there is this spiritual belief in his or her life. Anybody with spiritual need not met cannot find his or her heart at peace.

Family is the fourth part of the wheel, without which life is colourless. It is family that brings meaning to our life. Therefore, this has to be satisfied, otherwise even an aging billionaire with no family is not happy deep in heart.

Man is a social animal, and yes, that’s true! We live in society, we are a part of the people we live among. And in order to acquire self-esteem, we naturally strive to look better in every aspect in other’s eyes. This leads us to social interactions with other people, thus it is a necessary part of the wheel to have a joyful life.

And last but not least is the finances of a person. It is mostly important for the social and family needs; to keep them glued in the wheel.

The world would be much better off, if we start to realize the truth that this race that we are leading is going nowhere… End of the story comes with the coming of the last breath we have!! So enjoy your life and don’t consume yourself only for more and more consumption and don’t battle with your desires, they will never end. Or, they will end with us, just as they were born with us!!

Before concluding, I must ask you for your previous views in comments, which is valuable for better understanding of the subject. May us all have balance in our lives and may the wheel of our life keeps running with all the needs being discussed. I hope you like it. Thanks for reading and don’t forget to comment! 😉

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Posted by on December 16, 2013 in Anticipation, Brain and Heart, Culture, Emotions, Experiences, Intellect, Life, Logic, Love, Love, People, Rationality, Reason, Religion, Religion, Society, Spirituality, Stupidity, Uncategorized, Wisdom


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Mr. Octopeter, the delivery-boy

This news commentary is only for the sake of writing.

Today, while reading an online newspaper, I just came across a headline referring to a very unique, innovative project ”Prime Air” by the famous retail giant It stated that the company is planning to launch a new way of delivering products to its customer within half an hour. The company CEO said that their research department is currently working on the project, which will be available to customers in just 4-5 years. The delivery machine is literally a drone with the size of a flat-screen monitor and attached to 8 small helicopter rotors. Due to its design, it has been given the name ”octopeter”. The octopeter is said to be able to carry packages weighing up to 2.8-kilograms (5 pounds), and according to Amazon, 86% of what they deliver come under this weight, which makes it a highly successful project with regard to efficiency in time and resources consumed in carrying out deliveries. The octopeter will be the able to cover areas within a 10-mile (16-kilometer) radius, and this will go well with areas having thick population. The revolutionary project, yet needs approval from the federal government of the US and proper laws need to be devised by the aviation authorities to regulate the little-drones.

This undated handout photo released by Amazon on December 1, 2013 shows a flying "octocopter" mini-drone. PHOTO: AFP/AMAZON

This undated handout photo released by Amazon on December 1, 2013 shows a flying “octocopter” mini-drone. PHOTO: AFP/AMAZON

According to some commentators, apart from functioning as delivery-boy, these civilian drones can also be used for keeping a watch on the southern borders of the US, where undocumented immigrants illegally cross the border. And it really is a tough job to patrol such a long border, so this unmanned aircraft will prove helpful in solving the issue. Others think, it’s a great tool for photographic journalists who can now take pictures from heights which was impossible earlier. Having read all those views from various sources, I come to the conclusion that this octopeter drone, or whatever they call it, will pave the path to more such futuristic projects like, maybe, flying-cars and other stuff that we used to see in science fictions. I reminisce about my childhood when I used to watch The Jetsons on cartoon-network… are we moving closer to such a sci-fi world?

All these comments aside, what got me into thinking is how one single machine can bring up multiple news for different societies. For those living in America, drone octopeter flying and landing a package to their doorstep would bring smiles on their faces. On the other hand, a drone dropping off an object in countries like Pakistan means death and destruction. One machine, one name, but at one point on earth, it drops gifts while at the other, it drops deadly missiles. It’s really great that some of those missiles do kill the terrorists and drones really do count as the most effective weapon for targeted-operations, there is of course no disagreement with that, but also we must not forget that in the wake of these bombings, many women and innocent children that have nothing to do with the war get killed unnecessarily.

The world would be a happy place, if the military drones of the US are turned into civilian, harmless drones that deliver Amazon gifts to  everybody’s door. I hope the concept of winning people’s hearts by spreading love and happiness among humanity will inspire the US entrepreneurs especially the Amazon to expand its project and go operational in the drone-hit areas of Pakistan and start dropping off bouquets of flowers… well, do this and I bet all the militants hiding in those areas will regret fighting you and embrace you as friends out of love and kindness.

As they say, love breeds love and bullshit breeds bullshit!

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Posted by on December 2, 2013 in Uncategorized


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